There are two types of transport insurance:
1. civil liability insurance;
2. voluntary insurance, such as:
- comprehensive motor insurance,
- personal accident insurance for drivers and passengers of mechanical vehicles,
- assistance insurance,
- legal expenses insurance,
- insurance of the costs of treatment abroad,
- insurance of baggage and personal items of travelers.
Civil liability insurance is obligatory for every owner of a mechanical vehicle. It protects the owner or user of a vehicle from the potential claims pursued by claimants in the case of random events resulting from its fault. The obligatory character of that insurance means that the owners of vehicles are obliged to conclude an insurance agreement, and the insurance companies are obliged to accept the offer of the persons insuring their civil liability.
In turn, the optional motor insurance may cover the damage resulting from random events, such as damage to a vehicle while it’s driven or not, vehicle theft, damage or loss, e.g. as a result of a flood, fire or explosion.
Personal accident and assistance insurances are also optional. Personal accident insurance provides the protection in the scope of effects of personal accidents of the driver and passengers, associated with driving or riding mechanical vehicles in Poland and abroad. Assistance insurance provides the claimant with technical, medical and information assistance in the case of occurrence of such random events as accidents, failures or vehicle immobility, theft, bodily injury resulting from an accident, etc.